Professional & Transition Coaching
Coaching is a highly supportive, collaborative relationship that's tailored to who you are and what you need.
We will identify what is most important to you and dive into what is holding you back from fulfilling your potential in your work, in your relationships, and in your life. Barbara brings focus, structure and insight to these vital issues.
As you make key decisions and take action, inspiring and encouraging possibilities will open up. These will be sorted and prioritized to achieve what is truly in your best interest. We will work as deeply as you wish and expand as far as you want to go.
When to Get Coaching
Coaching works best when the time is right. If you're in one of the following situations, coaching could be your best next step.
- You're considering a career change
- Your professional potential is not being tapped
- You've been out of the workforce for a while and need a plan for re-entry
- You want to develop as a leader
- You want to bring energy and direction to the next stage of your life
- You're ready to take a creative risk
- Change has arrived and you want to manage it more effectively
- An opportunity has appeared and you want to make the most of it
- You see the need for greater balance in your life or work
- You're facing relationship challenges that require new skills
- You don't want to hold back any longer, on who you really are or what you really want
How Coaching Works
Geography doesn't need to be a barrier to working with Barbara. We can meet meet either by phone, internet video or in person. Coaching can include brief conversations between meetings and quick email support.
Fees can be discussed when we talk. There are several options available, depending on your situation.
Talk it Over
Call Barbara to discuss your situation and to see if coaching is a good choice for you at this time.